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About Tough Genes

Who We Are

Founded by parents of a child with IRF2BPL-Related Disorder, Tough Genes is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge and medical understanding of the IRF2BPL gene. Our mission is based upon raising awareness and funds for IRF2BPL-Related Disorder research. We strive to transform lives by driving breakthroughs in science, increasing awareness, and securing the resources necessary to find treatment and improve the quality of life for those impacted by this disorder.

Our Mission
Tough Genes is dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge and medical understanding of the IRF2BPL gene.
Our Vision
To develop a safe and effective treatment for those with IRF2BPL-Related Disorder. 

"Tough Genes"?

A Name with Meaning

The children with IRF2BPL genetic mutations are TOUGH. They push hard to reach milestones and push even harder to try and slow down regressions. Their families are no whimps either. IRF2BPL is also a tough gene to figure out. Researchers are working hard to understand how the IRF2BPL gene works and how changes in the gene effect the human body.

Donate Today

Currently, there is no treatment for IRF2BPL-Related Disorder. Tough Genes is here to change that.

Doctor Talking to Boy in Wheelchair
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